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To manage anxiety, you can try various strategies and lifestyle changes. Here are some tips to help you cope with anxiety:
Talk to someone you trust: Sharing your feelings with someone you trust can provide relief and a sense of support
2. ​Manage your worries: Identify and learn to manage your anxiety triggers
3. Look after your physical health: Exercise regularly, eat well-balanced meals, get enough sleep, and avoid alcohol and caffeine
4. Practice relaxation techniques: Try breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or mindfulness
5. Keep a diary: Write down your thoughts and emotions to help identify patterns and manage your anxiety
6. Challenge negative thoughts: Replace negative thoughts with positive ones and focus on the present moment
7. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Engage in activities that promote well-being, such as yoga, massage, or volunteering
8. Seek professional help: Consult a healthcare provider or therapist for guidance and support
10. Develop a stay-well plan: Create a plan to help you manage anxiety and maintain a healthy lifestyle
9. Try complementary and alternative therapies: Consider options like aromatherapy, reflexology, or hypnotherapy to help manage your anxiety
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6 Little Habits To Reduce Anxiety
Anxiety was a means of being aware of your surroundings, to be able to ward off predators and survive. So while a healthy amount of anxiety is good, the issue arises when your anxiety becomes excessive and interferes with your daily life.
Box breathing relaxation technique: how to calm feelings of stress or anxiety
In stressful times you can use the power of your breath to help calm feelings of stress or anxiety. Box breathing is a simple relaxation technique that can help you ‘reset your breath’ and return it to its normal rhythm. This video demonstrates box breathing and highlights its benefits.